The arrogance of vloggers

There are only two things that I can't stand in this world: the first one is salted codfish, the second is arrogance. As for the codfish is concerned, I don't know the exact reason behind my repulsion, but I am quite positive that my hate towards arrogance comes from my being too arrogant. Experience has … Continue reading The arrogance of vloggers

Once upon a time there was a gay cartoon

Children often imagine their future according to what they see on cartoons, interpreting their world through the screen of television, giving their own take to what happens around them according to facts –to them very real- that have happened –for real, of course- in this or that cartoon. This is why they are never going … Continue reading Once upon a time there was a gay cartoon

Lesbians behind bars

When I first heard the concept behind Orange is the new black, I have to say, I was not intrigued. That is because the idea of women in prison going at it for the audience’s viewing pleasure seemed just too much like a porn movie than anything else. After a couple of days after its … Continue reading Lesbians behind bars

My top five favorite couples

Last Monday I saw for the first time the film of The Hunger Games and, for some reason, I liked it more than I had expected. In fact I liked it so much that I immediately downloaded the first book on my e-reader and read it all in one day. The next day I downloaded … Continue reading My top five favorite couples

Gays on TV

Ever since I started watching Spartacus, I've made a pleasant -at least for me- discovery: I've realized that every TV show of the last years has at least one queer character. So I started wondering what is it that makes the directors/screenwriters create gay and lesbian characters for their shows. Up until ten years ago, … Continue reading Gays on TV

A world where gay is the way I was browsing the Internet when I came across a short film. It's called "Love is all you need?", by Kim Rocco Shields, and tells the story of a little girl who has to come to terms with her sexuality. Pretty routine, you might say, there are billions of videos like this on the … Continue reading A world where gay is the way

Why I’m so obsessed with Cece Frey

Unlike most people, whose taste is consistent and specific, mine is all over the place. If I had to put in a basket everything I like, I'd get a crazy huddle of things where my many Passions wouldn't get on at all, would laugh at each other behind their backs or hit one another vigorously. … Continue reading Why I’m so obsessed with Cece Frey

Priscilla, Queen of the Desert

Whether it is getting a new job or making a new recipe, starting something new is always exiting and, in its own way, terrifying. You are afraid of something going wrong, of not being good enough, or that that cake you put in the oven will explode before giving you the time to understand what … Continue reading Priscilla, Queen of the Desert